• Points of Pride

    Messmore Elementary is a Michigan Blue Ribbon Exemplary School.   We continue to be proud of our Math and Science Olympiad and Lego Robotic competitive teams.  The Math Olympiad team brought home the 1st place overall trophy for the 7th consecutive year; the Science Olympiad team brought home the 1st place trophy for the 9th consecutive year; the Lego Robotic team brought home the Best Display of Teamwork this year.  The collaborative effort between our staff and parents guides our students to excel in their areas of interest.  We collaborate with International Baccalaureate students offering after-school enrichment programs for our students. This year a Spanish, Drama and Basketball Clinic were offered.  The community service model continues to support student choice of where they desire to align their efforts. This year over $3,100.00 was donated to local charities.

    Messmore began our year hosting a Board of Education meeting highlighting the Montessori program and concluded our year celebrating our 50th anniversary. Both experiences were a collaboration between the teaching staff and Messmore community.  Maria Montessori said the union of the family and the school in the matter of educational aims would enhance student learning and be more meaningful to both the parents and the child.