Stevenson High School

Dedicated to excellence in education

Stevenson Announcements


    GRADUATION DATE CHANGE:  Stevenson High School's Graduation is Saturday, June 7, 2025 @ 10:00 am.  


    No School - Winter Break - February 17 - 21



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    Kenneth L. Cucchi III






    Good afternoon Titan community,


    The graduation date for Stevenson has changed to Saturay, June 7.  The time and place have not changed, it is still at 10:00 am at O’Rena.  The Senior All night party was also changed to June 7. Senior parents, there is a lot happening from now until your student’s last day of High School.  Please note the important dates for you and your seniors. Don’t forget to fill out your FAFSA! You can find more information in the Titan Voice, Senior section.


    There is no school next week, February 17 – 21 for winter break. This is a great time to relax and recharge your batteries so we can hit the ground running on February 24. 



    Wednesday, April 9 – 11th Grade MSTEP

    Thursday, April 10 –   9th Grade PSAT 9

    10th Grade PSAT10

    11th Grade WorkKeys


    Wednesday, April 16 11th Grade SAT Testing


    More information will be sent out as the dates get closer.

    Spring Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on March 6 from 4:00 – 7:00. There are limited spots for parents who need a conference. We would like to save the conferences for parents of students who are struggling in the classroom. We will be using SchoolSoft again to schedule conferences. Families have two options for the conferences, virtual or in-person. The in-person conferences will be held from 4:00 – 5:00 and the online conferences are 5:00 -7:00. Parents will be able to schedule their parent teacher conferences beginning February 27 at 6:00 AM and will close on March 5 at 5:00 pm. You will receive a link for each school your child is enrolled (SHS, MST/CSI, Virtual Academy). Please complete the sign-up for each of the schools your student attends (e.g., CSI and VA) as you will need to login to both to sign up to conference with your student’s teachers. Please be at your computer on time. If you prefer to meet in person, you should schedule a time in that is dedicated for in person conferences) PLEASE NOTE: THE ONLY TIMES AVAILBLE FOR IN PERSON CONFERENCES ARE FROM 4:00- 5:00 PM. DO NOT SCHEDULE AN IN-PERSON CONFERENCE that is not in that window - you will be turned away. Parents should be at school on time for their scheduled conference and keep to the time limit that was scheduled.


    The district will host its 19th annual College & Career Pathways from 6:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at Henry Ford II High School. This event is aimed at current 10th-12th graders. Up to 63 post-secondary institutions and trade schools will be in attendance to offer information to assist students with their post-secondary plans.  This year, students will need to register for the event prior to attending. Most of the post-secondary institutions and/or trade schools will collect student information via a scan tool. Students can register for a barcode at Students will receive their barcode upon submitting their registration and will receive it again as a reminder 2 hours before the fair start time.



    The MAC Principals’ Association is proud to announce that it will be offering three $1,000 MAC Leadership Scholarships to our 2025 graduates. Please see the Titan Voice for more information.


    Important Senior Dates:


    April 16 – Senior Meetings, students meetings will take place during the school day

                     MANDATORY Parent Meeting A – L 5:00 and M-Z 6:30

                     NOTE, Senior Caps & Gowns will be distributed at the Mandatory Parent Meeting


    May 12 – Honors Night, Invitation Only


    May 19 – Titan Scholars, Invitation Only


    May 23 – Senior’s last day and Senior picnic


    May 28 – Senior Prom @6:00 – 10:00 Penna’s


    June 7 – Graduation, O’Rena @ 10:00AM

                   Senior All Night Party


    The Writing Center (E-73) is OPEN during all lunches for student walk-ins and/or for electronic submissions. Email essays to (please allow 2 school days for tutors to read and respond to electronic submissions). We look forward to helping your student improve their writing!



    Senior Scholarship opportunities can be found on our Stevenson Counseling Website under "scholarships". You can find the link here: Counseling / Scholarships


    Scholarships are continuously updated. There are building scholarships, district scholarships, and state scholarships available! Do not miss out on a chance to apply!


    If a student has a question regarding a scholarship process, please feel free to email or TEAMS Ms. Sullivan.


    ORDER THE 2025 YEARBOOK TODAY -  The yearbook staff is working hard on this year’s yearbook. Be sure to remember to order by February 28 to guarantee your yearbook this year. We will not be ordering extras to sell at the end of the year. Order your 2025 yearbook now at or call 1-877-767-5217. Make sure you select Adlai Stevenson High School in Sterling Heights.  


    ATTENTION – The school day ends at 2:14 p.m. Students must exit the building by 2:30 p.m. Any student who is staying after school must be under the supervision of a staff member, coach, or teacher. If practice is not immediately after school, students are expected to go home and return at their practice time. Also note that students are not allowed in the gyms at any time unless a coach or teacher is present.


    No outside food is permitted, students can get lunch/breakfast from the cafeteria, school store or bring a lunch.


    ATTENDANCE When a student has accumulated 11 absences* in any one class over the course of a semester, the student will be notified in a meeting with an assistant/associate principal that they have lost credit in that class and that they are placed on an attendance contract to earn the credit back. There are two parts to a contract. First, the student must pass the class with a D- or higher. Second, the student will show improvement in attendance in ALL classes. Improvement is determined on a sliding scale which allows for 1 absence for every three weeks (rounded up) left in the semester for each class.


    A reminder to all students, you are required to always wear your ID badge. Not only for security reasons, but because you need to scan them at lunch! So, please make sure you are wearing your ID badge around your neck. 


    STUDENT DRESS CODE Students must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the student handbook.

    • Indecent, tattered, or unsafe dress or footwear, or attire that calls undue attention to the wearer or has lettering or symbols that are disrespectful or derogatory are not allowed. • Beach wear, low-cut tops, tank tops, sleeveless tops, muscle shirts, see-through clothing, short skirts or shorts, pajamas, tight clothing without proper coverage and clothing exposing the shoulders or mid-section are not allowed. • Students should not wear clothing with inappropriate advertising like Playboy shirts or similar items. • Hats are not allowed in school unless explicit permission for a medical or religious reason is reached. • Knee length shorts and skirts are acceptable. Shoes must be worn. • Outerwear, such as coats and hats, is not to be worn in school. • Clothing that promotes illegal substances or drugs, illegal activities, violence, tobacco, or alcohol is prohibited. • Clothing or head coverings worn as group identifiers that promote a disruptive school climate are prohibited. • Clothing consistent with religious or cultural beliefs is acceptable. • Jewelry and accessories that may be deemed dangerous are prohibited.


    Every Friday is Titan Spirit Day! Please encourage your student to wear anything “Titan” or Red, White, and/or Blue!


    The Titan Voice and the Stevenson website should be your first line of communication regarding information pertaining to Stevenson. When you go to our website, you will find the Titan Voice linked under News. Included in the Titan Voice is more information regarding:  AP Testing, SHS Clubs, UCS District Flyers, Senior and Senior All Night Party information, and much more! Be sure to click on the Titan Voice Link and see what’s happening at Stevenson!


    With Titan Pride,



    Kenneth L. Cucchi III





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