Harvey Announcements

  • It is hard to believe that we are in the last month of the 23/24 school year. We have come so far this year, but it isn't over! As the weather is warming up, please keep in mind the following from the UCS Parent/Student handbook:

    Beach wear, low-cut tops, tank tops, sleeveless tops, muscle shirts, see through clothing, short skirts or shorts, pajamas, tight clothing without
    proper coverage and clothing exposing the shoulders or mid-section are
    not allowed.
    • Knee length shorts and skirts are acceptable. Shoes must be worn.

    Thank you for assisting in making the remainder the school year memorable!

    Happy Mother's Day!!
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  • What an amazing weekend. I truly hope you were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine! It seems utterly impossible to me that we only have 29 school days left before summer break. The time is flying by for sure! There are many events happening between now and the last day of school. Please read the weekly Smores to keep up on all that is going on.

    Enjoy the rest of your day :)
    Mrs. Miller

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  • Enjoy your weekend!
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