Plumbrook Elementary
Dedicated to excellence in education
Plumbrook Announcements
Good morning,
I hope that you are staying warm and safe. We will see everyone on Thursday!!
Here are 10 fun and engaging indoor activities to do with children when it's too cold to go outside:
1. Build a Fort
Use blankets, pillows, and furniture to create a cozy fort. Add some fairy lights or flashlights for ambiance and enjoy snacks or a story time inside.
2. Have a Movie Marathon
Pick a theme (e.g., animated classics, superhero movies) and set up a mini home theater with popcorn and cozy blankets.
3. Bake Together
Choose a kid-friendly recipe like cookies, cupcakes, or homemade pizza. Let the kids help with mixing, decorating, and, of course, taste-testing.
4. Create an Arts and Crafts Station
Set up a space with paper, crayons, markers, glue, and other materials. Try making holiday decorations, DIY cards, or simple origami.
5. Science Experiments
Conduct simple science experiments like making slime, baking soda and vinegar volcanoes, or DIY lava lamps using household items.
6. Treasure Hunt or Scavenger Hunt
Hide small items around the house and give the kids clues to find them. You can also make it educational by incorporating riddles or challenges.
7. Dance Party
Create a playlist of upbeat songs and have a fun dance-off. It's a great way to burn energy and lift everyone's spirits.
8. Board Games and Puzzles
Pull out family-friendly board games or work on a big puzzle together. It's a great way to bond and practice problem-solving skills.
9. Storytelling or Puppet Shows
Use toys, stuffed animals, or DIY sock puppets to create a story or mini theater production. Kids can make up their own scripts or act out a favorite book.
10. Indoor Obstacle Course
Set up a safe and creative obstacle course using furniture, cushions, or tape on the floor. Include challenges like crawling under tables or hopping on one foot between markers.
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM PreK POHI Field Trip (Parent Transport)
January 31, 2025
4:00 PM 3rd Progress Report Ending - Grades Posted in PowerSchool
February 14, 2025
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Davis and Jeanette Counselors Visit 6th Grade
February 17, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 19, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM Community Education: Macomb Soccer crew
February 20, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 24, 2025
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM Community Education: Crayola Legends and Lore: Part One
UCS Foundation for Educational Excellence
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UCS Empowered
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UCS Wellness
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Just Ask UCS
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Utica Community Schools, in partnership with our community, will empower students to positively transform their future and the world.
Utica Community Schools ignites a passion for learning in all students. We strengthen our community by welcoming all learners, honoring culture, and inspiring remarkable growth and achievement.
We accomplish this by:
- Ensuring students are at the heart of all decisions
- Collaborating with all stakeholders
- Providing a safe and supportive environment
- Encouraging mindsets that are open to innovation
- Reimagining what school can be
- Promoting high expectations throughout Utica Community Schools
- Committing to multiple pathways toward excellence and achievement for all
Plumbrook Elementary will provide a safe, caring, and dynamic environment that nurtures success for all students. The Plumbrook staff will encourage and empower each and every student to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become lifelong learners.
Plumbrook Elementary will create a positive working relationship with students, staff, and community focusing on respect, diversity, and teamwork. Our mission is to provide every student with a quality educational experience in a safe, challenging, and engaging environment.
- Every child will learn and achieve.
- The School, Parents, and Community are a team in the learning process.
- Excellence is expected and celebrated.
- Data is used to drive and guide instruction.
Translation Assistance
Language assistance services are available for LEP (speaking, reading, writing or comprehending English) families that are in need or seeking support. Language assistance services are free services provided by the district that include translation and interpretation support. For information or to request services please contact:
- For Albanian: (586) 797-6946
- For Arabic: (586) 797-6906
- For Spanish: (586) 797-6986
Persons seeking or needing language assistance are providing confirmation of such need, further verification is not required.
Shërbimet e ndihmës gjuhësore për çështjet në lidhje me qarkun shkollor të UCS, janë në dispozicion të familjeve LEP (me Njohuri të Kufizuara të Gjuhës Angleze) që kanë nevojë ose kërkojnë mbështetje për të komunikuar (folur, lexuar, shkruar ose kuptuar gjuhën Angleze). Këto shërbime ofrohen falas nga Qarku dhe përfshijnë ndihmën me përkthimin dhe interpretimin.Për informacion ose për të kërkuar shërbimet ju lutemi na kontaktoni:e-mail translations@uticak12.orgtel. (586) 797 – 6946.Një kërkesë e juaja për ndihmë gjuhësore konfirmon që ju keni një nevojë të tillë. Verifikimi i mëtejshëm nuk është i nevojshëm.
تتوفر خدمات المساعدة اللغوية للعائلات ذات الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية (التحدث، القراءة، الكتابة، أو فهم اللغة الإنجليزية) والتي تحتاج إلى دعم أو تسعى للحصول عليه فيما يتعلق بالأمور المدرسية.خدمات المساعدة اللغوية هي خدمات مجانية تقدمها المنطقة التعليمية وتشمل الدعم في الترجمة الفورية والتحريرية. للحصول على معلومات أو لطلب الخدمات، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى:أو الاتصال على: 6906-797 (586)يؤكد الأشخاص الباحثون عن خدمات لغوية على حاجتهم اليها دون الحاجة الى تقديم أي إثبات.
Los servicios de asistencia con el idioma están disponibles para las familias con dominio limitado del inglés (hablar, leer, escribir o entender el inglés) que necesitan o buscan apoyo con respecto a asuntos relacionados con la escuela. Los servicios de asistencia con el idioma son servicios gratuitos proporcionados por el distrito que incluyen apoyo de traducción e interpretación. Para obtener información o solicitar servicios, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al: (586) 797-6986 para español.
Las personas que buscan o necesitan asistencia con el idioma proporcionan confirmación de dicha necesidad, no se requiere verificación adicional.