Stevenson High School
Dedicated to excellence in education
Stevenson Announcements
GRADUATION DATE CHANGE: The new date for Stevenson High School's Graduation is Saturday June 7, 2025 @ 10:00 am.
The deadline for Senior Yearbook Recognition Ads is Saturday February 8, 2025. Click here for flyer.
No School - Winter Break - February 17 - 21
Kenneth L. Cucchi III
Good afternoon Titan community,
Second semester is underway! As we hit the ground running, I would like to remind parents to continue checking Powerschool to stay on top of your students’ grades and attendance. Our Spring Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on March 6 from 4:00 – 7:00. More information to follow.
Last week, the AP and elective class fair was held during all lunch periods. Informational tables were set up, allowing students to hear from both other students and teachers about various AP and elective courses.
The Writing Center (E-73) is OPEN during all lunches for student walk-ins and/or for electronic submissions. Email essays to (please allow 2 school days for tutors to read and respond to electronic submissions). We look forward to helping your student improve their writing!
Stevenson is offering FREE after-school credit recovery during semester two. Details can be found on the flyer in the Titan Voice.
Any student who has received an "F" as a semester grade in a course required for graduation (during grades 9, 10, 11, or 12) and has not yet retaken that course, can register for credit recovery using the link below. Please see the Credit Recovery Flyer in the Titan Voice for more information.
Registration Link:
Students can check their past semester grades in PowerSchool and can contact their counselors with any questions.
Scheduling season is upon us!
- Counseling has started the scheduling process for the 2025-2026 school year. Counselors presented at Davis and Jeannette junior highs and in the Stevenson English classes for future juniors and seniors.
- During the month of February, counselors will begin to meet individually with students, including the Virtual Academy, to ensure that each student is on the right pathway to success to achieve their post-secondary goals.
- Each student is expected to turn in a completed Scheduling Form with proper signatures and input their courses into PowerSchool. Parent signatures are also required for students who are pursuing Advanced Placement, Accelerated, or Honors courses. Many new CTE courses have been made available, which may require students to leave and return to Stevenson by UCS transportation, for one hour per day.
- Future Sophomores Scheduling Forms—Blue
- Future Junior Scheduling Forms—Yellow
- Future Senior Scheduling Forms—Pink
For more information on course selections and pathways to success for your student, please visit the UCS website and search under the "Academics" tab. Utica Community Schools / Homepage (
In addition, students have a "scheduling" icon that was loaded on their ClassLink page for a quicker reference to all the scheduling materials.
Attention Parents and Students, included in this issue of the Titan Voice is the registration flyer for Credit Recovery. Credit Recovery is for students who have failed one or more of their courses that are required for graduation.
On February 13th, Tamara Threatt, Admissions & Outreach Coordinator from Macomb Community College will be in the Media Center during all three lunch periods to help seniors interested in Macomb Community College finalize their college applications.
On February 14th, Felicia Pelto from MI Student Aid will be at Stevenson High School in the ECC all day presenting to seniors during their English hours. This financial aid presentation will be a comprehensive overview of the Community College Guarantee, as well as the benefits and importance of completing their FAFSA. Mrs. Pelto will answer students' questions about financial aid as well as help them complete their FAFSA.
Senior Scholarship opportunities can be found on our Stevenson Counseling Website under "scholarships". You can find the link here: Counseling / Scholarships
Scholarships are continuously updated. There are building scholarships, district scholarships, and state scholarships available! Do not miss out on a chance to apply!
If a student has a question regarding a scholarship process, please feel free to email or TEAMS Ms. Sullivan.
PSAT/SAT testing is approaching fast! Preparation is key! SHS is offering free SAT Prep after school for every student! SAT Prep will run Monday – Thursday from 2:20-3:20. Mondays and Wednesdays will be preparation for the English portion of the SAT in the ECC, while Tuesdays and Thursdays will be preparation for the Math portion of the SAT in the SLR. Students should look for information posters around the school (links below) – use the QR code to sign up!
Congratulations to the following students for being awarded Student of the Month for January! Students were nominated by Stevenson staff for being positive contributors to both the classroom and the Stevenson High School community. The Stevenson High School Students for January are:
Aqib Ahmed Yara Al-Badri Sara Al-Chona Saif Al-Naji
Alex Alyas Florenca Alatto Mohammed Hussein Ali Mirna Bahri
Isabella Barshaw Kevin Bazi Cole Carbone Mohamed Chehab
Avante Cholagh Angelina Daniel Kaylee Fisher Valariana Gmerek
Elliott Graham Anastazija Grubac Angelo Jarjes Rena Jazrawi
Trinity Kejbou Julie Kochanek Alanna Kosciolek Cameron Lasecki
Jacob Lewandowski Katie Loftis Dolores Luna Negoshian Kenan Mamedov
Carson Meacham Raul Oraha Bianca Platon Madden Preston
Savannah Serra Jules Sitto Seth Walker Mercedes Wiley
Zoe Wilmoth Viola Yaldo Amra Zecevic
A big congratulations to our January Teachers of the Month, as chosen by students: Mr. Lopo and Mr. Suminski! We’re fortunate to have such dedicated educators like you!
ATTENTION – The school day ends at 2:14 p.m. Students must exit the building by 2:30 p.m. Any student who is staying after school must be under the supervision of a staff member, coach, or teacher. If practice is not immediately after school, students are expected to go home and return at their practice time. Also note that students are not allowed in the gyms at any time unless a coach or teacher is present.
ATTENDANCE When a student has accumulated 11 absences* in any one class over the course of a semester, the student will be notified in a meeting with an assistant/associate principal that they have lost credit in that class and that they are placed on an attendance contract to earn the credit back. There are two parts to a contract. First, the student must pass the class with a D- or higher. Second, the student will show improvement in attendance in ALL classes. Improvement is determined on a sliding scale which allows for 1 absence for every three weeks (rounded up) left in the semester for each class.
A reminder to all students, you are required to always wear your ID badge. Not only for security reasons, but because you need to scan them at lunch! So, please make sure you are wearing your ID badge around your neck.
STUDENT DRESS CODE Students must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the student handbook.
• Indecent, tattered, or unsafe dress or footwear, or attire that calls undue attention to the wearer or has lettering or symbols that are disrespectful or derogatory are not allowed. • Beach wear, low-cut tops, tank tops, sleeveless tops, muscle shirts, see-through clothing, short skirts or shorts, pajamas, tight clothing without proper coverage and clothing exposing the shoulders or mid-section are not allowed. • Students should not wear clothing with inappropriate advertising like Playboy shirts or similar items. • Hats are not allowed in school unless explicit permission for a medical or religious reason is reached. • Knee length shorts and skirts are acceptable. Shoes must be worn. • Outerwear, such as coats and hats, is not to be worn in school. • Clothing that promotes illegal substances or drugs, illegal activities, violence, tobacco, or alcohol is prohibited. • Clothing or head coverings worn as group identifiers that promote a disruptive school climate are prohibited. • Clothing consistent with religious or cultural beliefs is acceptable. • Jewelry and accessories that may be deemed dangerous are prohibited.
Every Friday is Titan Spirit Day! Please encourage your student to wear anything “Titan” or Red, White, and/or Blue!
The Titan Voice and the Stevenson website should be your first line of communication regarding information pertaining to Stevenson. When you go to our website, you will find the Titan Voice linked under News. Included in the Titan Voice is more information regarding: AP Testing, SHS Clubs, UCS District Flyers, Senior and Senior All Night Party information, and much more! Be sure to click on the Titan Voice Link and see what’s happening at Stevenson!
With Titan Pride,
Kenneth L. Cucchi III
Field House Donations- Click Here
ATHLETIC- MHSAA Physical Form - Click Here
New Athletic Boosters Website - Click Here
Big Teams - Click HereSENIORS
Class of 2025 Senior Cap and Gown Flyer - Click Here
Class of 2025 Senior Flyer - Click Here
Class of 2025 Senior Picture Brochure - Click Here
Class of 2025 Senior Portrait Info - Click Here
Class of 2025 Senior Ad Yearbook Flyer - Click Here
Class of 2025 Diploma Card - Click HereSCHOOL TO WORK
School to Work 2024-2025 - Click Here
School to Work Interest Form - Click Here
School to Work Info Video - Click Here
Senior Parking Permit Application 2024-2025 - Click Here
Junior Parking Permit Application 2024-2025 - Click Here
Sophomore Parking Permit Application 2024-2025 - Click Here
2024-2025 Parking Permit Rules - Click HereWORK PERMITS
Work Permit for minors 16 and 17 years of age - Click Here
Work Permit for minors UNDER 16 years of age - Click HereOTHER IMPORTANT INFO
Yearbook Order Form/Info 2024-2025 - Click Here
Student Calendar 2024-2025 - Click Here
Medications 2024-2025 - Click Here
School Meal Program Info - Click Here
UCS Parent & Student Handbook 2024-2025 - Click Here
February 17, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 19, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 21, 2025
March 6, 2025
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Spring Conferences
March 24, 2025
March 25, 2025
March 26, 2025
March 27, 2025
UCS Foundation for Educational Excellence
Tap again to continue -
UCS Empowered
Tap again to continue -
UCS Wellness
Tap again to continue -
Just Ask UCS
Tap again to continue
Utica Community Schools, in partnership with our community, will empower students to positively transform their future and the world.
Utica Community Schools ignites a passion for learning in all students. We strengthen our community by welcoming all learners, honoring culture, and inspiring remarkable growth and achievement.
We accomplish this by:
- Ensuring students are at the heart of all decisions
- Collaborating with all stakeholders
- Providing a safe and supportive environment
- Encouraging mindsets that are open to innovation
- Reimagining what school can be
- Promoting high expectations throughout Utica Community Schools
- Committing to multiple pathways toward excellence and achievement for all
Stevenson High School will encourage and empower all students to acquire the necessary skills to be successful, contributing members of a diverse community and global society.
Our mission is to create a positive and challenging learning environment that encourages all students to achieve their greatest potential as responsible, productive members of a diverse society.
Translation Assistance
Language assistance services are available for LEP (speaking, reading, writing or comprehending English) families that are in need or seeking support. Language assistance services are free services provided by the district that include translation and interpretation support. For information or to request services please contact:
- For Albanian: (586) 797-6946
- For Arabic: (586) 797-6906
- For Spanish: (586) 797-6986
Persons seeking or needing language assistance are providing confirmation of such need, further verification is not required.
Shërbimet e ndihmës gjuhësore për çështjet në lidhje me qarkun shkollor të UCS, janë në dispozicion të familjeve LEP (me Njohuri të Kufizuara të Gjuhës Angleze) që kanë nevojë ose kërkojnë mbështetje për të komunikuar (folur, lexuar, shkruar ose kuptuar gjuhën Angleze). Këto shërbime ofrohen falas nga Qarku dhe përfshijnë ndihmën me përkthimin dhe interpretimin.Për informacion ose për të kërkuar shërbimet ju lutemi na kontaktoni:e-mail translations@uticak12.orgtel. (586) 797 – 6946.Një kërkesë e juaja për ndihmë gjuhësore konfirmon që ju keni një nevojë të tillë. Verifikimi i mëtejshëm nuk është i nevojshëm.
تتوفر خدمات المساعدة اللغوية للعائلات ذات الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية (التحدث، القراءة، الكتابة، أو فهم اللغة الإنجليزية) والتي تحتاج إلى دعم أو تسعى للحصول عليه فيما يتعلق بالأمور المدرسية.خدمات المساعدة اللغوية هي خدمات مجانية تقدمها المنطقة التعليمية وتشمل الدعم في الترجمة الفورية والتحريرية. للحصول على معلومات أو لطلب الخدمات، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى:أو الاتصال على: 6906-797 (586)يؤكد الأشخاص الباحثون عن خدمات لغوية على حاجتهم اليها دون الحاجة الى تقديم أي إثبات.
Los servicios de asistencia con el idioma están disponibles para las familias con dominio limitado del inglés (hablar, leer, escribir o entender el inglés) que necesitan o buscan apoyo con respecto a asuntos relacionados con la escuela. Los servicios de asistencia con el idioma son servicios gratuitos proporcionados por el distrito que incluyen apoyo de traducción e interpretación. Para obtener información o solicitar servicios, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al: (586) 797-6986 para español.
Las personas que buscan o necesitan asistencia con el idioma proporcionan confirmación de dicha necesidad, no se requiere verificación adicional.