• Utica Community Schools
    Plumbrook Elementary
    Title I Parent Involvement Plan

    Plumbrook Elementary School believes that parent involvement is critical to the success of each student. Strong partnerships exist between staff, parents, and community members. Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) exists to support and extend classroom learning.

    Plumbrook Elementary encourages parental involvement through programs designed to increase parent-school communications. Parents will be involved in evaluating Title I programs and services. Another important component is the Home/School Compact. This compact is given to parents at our conferences. The compact is an agreement that the parent, the teacher, and the student provide a partnership for learning between school and home. Title I meetings that include parents are planned throughout the year. Parents are always welcome to help in the classroom and to offer suggestions regarding activities to enrich the education of our students.

    Plumbrook Elementary School has developed a parent involvement plan which is based on the Utica Community Schools’ Parent Involvement Rules and Regulations Policy #5510 mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

    I. The involvement of parents and community members is an essential component within the educational process. We will make every effort to invite and consider parent and community input to ensure the success of our students.

    II. Plumbrook Elementary shall maintain web access through the Utica Community Schools website http://www.uticak12.org as well as distribute documents in paper form if requested regarding the following:

    A. Kindergarten through 6 th grade Michigan Academic Standards

    B. Annual Report Information

    C. District Events Calendar

    D. Plumbrook Elementary School website

    III. Plumbrook Elementary and /or Utica Community Schools will continue to provide the following to parents through paper copy, email, or other technology:

    A. District Newsletter – Focus for the Community

    B. Plumbrook Smore

    C. Annual Reports

    D. Parent/Student Handbooks

    E. Community access cable television

    F. Automated telephone notification system

    G. Plumbrook Facebook Account

    IV. We will continue to coordinate and integrate opportunities for parental involvement with

    A. Academic Support Programs

    B. Extra-Curricular Academic Opportunities

    1. Math Olympiad

    2. Science Olympiad

    3. Academically Gifted and Talented

    4. Social Studies Olympiad

    V. Our staff shall assess parent involvement through the Annual Title I Parent Involvement survey. The information from the survey will be used by the --- staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the parent involvement plan.

    VI. Parents can be involved in school activities by:

    A. Volunteering at the school

    B. Helping their children with homework

    C. Attending open houses

    D. Attending parent/teacher conferences

    E. Joining a parent organization

    F. Attending and Volunteering at PEP events

    VII. Plumbrook Elementary will do the following to build the capacity for strong parental involvement in our school:

    A. Help parents understand the state’s academic content standards; state and local assessments; the requirements of Title 1 Part A.

    B. Educate staff members on how to communicate, work, and collaborate with parents as equal partners.

    C. Coordinate parent meetings and activities at convenient times.

    D. Strive to bridge the communication between our school and --- English Language Learner families. 

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