Browning Announcements

  • Browning Families,
    Please take a few minutes to look at the end of the school year Browning Bulletin. Info on new playground equipment, summer reading, plus so much more :-)

    Mr. Misovski, Principal
    Browning the Best
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  • Good afternoon,

    Last bit of information before tomorrow’s 6th grade move-up ceremony.

    1) Students will enter building as usual.
    2) Door #2 opens at 9:00 for parents (where the students normally enter)
    3) Please sign in and take a visitors badge (security is always at the forefront)
    4) The program will begin promptly at 9:30 and will be broadcast throughout the school.
    5) Please do not sign out siblings and bring them to the ceremony. They get bored and would rather be with their classmates on the last day having fun.

    Looking forward to celebrating the achievements of the Browning Class of 2024. 😊

    Mr. Misovski, Mrs. Misch, and Ms. Johnston
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  • Good morning Browning Families,

    We've made it to the finish line - hard to believe as it seems like yesterday we welcomed our students for the first day of school. Please read the info below:

    1) Today, Thursday, 6/6 and tomorrow are both half days with dismissal at 12:04.

    2) We still have yearbooks in the office for sale if interested for $20

    3) Thank you to our PTA, Browning staff, and our Browning community for making last week's Fun Fair such a success. :-)

    4) It's been a great school year. Wishing much success to our 6th graders moving onto secondary school, and looking forward to seeing our returning students. The first day of the 2024-2025 school year is on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

    5) Bear Days info will be shared in August.

    Have a safe and happy summer break.


    Mr. Misovski
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