Jeannette Junior High
Dedicated to excellence in education
Jeannette Announcements
Happy new year, Patriots!! Welcome to 2025!
As we plan to return to school on Monday, January 6 (just 2 days from now!) bright and early at 7:20 AM, we'd like to share our excitement about semester 2! Make sure that you check your PowerSchool to see your semester 2 schedule, as it likely has changed from first semester.
If there is a problem with your schedule, please sign up to see your counselor on Monday. They will change schedules only if you have a mistake. For example, if you have 2 math classes or a semester elective that you have already taken. We cannot change your schedule to get a different lunch or teacher.
If you had an EXCUSED absence on any exam day, you must arrange with your semester 1 teacher to take your exam Monday or Tuesday. Grades are due on Tuesday, so do not delay in making these arrangements.
We can't wait to see you on Monday! Go Lions!
Principal's Welcome
Welcome to Jeannette Junior High School!
My name is Beth Grillo, and I am the proud principal of Jeannette Junior High School. It is my honor to come to school every day and work with this incredible group of students and staff. Jeannette is home to one of most diverse groups of students in the district, and we learn and grow together in a mission to offer our students the opportunities to pursue their personal goals.
Here at Jeannette, three values unite us: Community, Integrity, and Leadership. Every day, we aspire to instill these values in ourselves as educators and to help our students see how these values can positively impact their own lives, the Jeannette family, and the world at large.
UCS is the best destination for students to achieve their dreams. We at Jeannette work closely with our students to encourage them to follow the pathway within UCS that will help them get there, whether it's attending Stevenson High or Utica High, applying to one of UCS' top-notch speciality programs - The Gene L. Klida Academy for International Studies, The Utica Center for Math, Science, and Technology, The Utica Center for Science and Industry, The Stevenson Manufacturing, Automation, Design, and Engineering, or the Utica Academy of Health and Human Services - or preparing to take advantage of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, school-to-work programs or dual enrollment.
Jeannette is a truly special place. We are united in our love for this school, our pride in our diverse heritage, and a quest to help students see their potential and strive to reach their goals.
February 17, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 19, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 21, 2025
March 24, 2025
March 25, 2025
March 26, 2025
March 27, 2025
UCS Foundation for Educational Excellence
Tap again to continue -
UCS Empowered
Tap again to continue -
UCS Wellness
Tap again to continue -
Just Ask UCS
Tap again to continue
Vision & Mission
Utica Community Schools, in partnership with our community, will empower students to positively transform their future and the world.
Utica Community Schools ignites a passion for learning in all students. We strengthen our community by welcoming all learners, honoring culture, and inspiring remarkable growth and achievement.
We accomplish this by:
- Ensuring students are at the heart of all decisions
- Collaborating with all stakeholders
- Providing a safe and supportive environment
- Encouraging mindsets that are open to innovation
- Reimagining what school can be
- Promoting high expectations throughout Utica Community Schools
- Committing to multiple pathways toward excellence and achievement for all
The Jeannette Junior High Community will provide all students with a positive learning environment in which they can become respectful, responsible, and productive citizens.
Translation Assistance
Language assistance services are available for LEP (speaking, reading, writing or comprehending English) families that are in need or seeking support. Language assistance services are free services provided by the district that include translation and interpretation support. For information or to request services please contact:
- For Albanian: (586) 797-6946
- For Arabic: (586) 797-6906
- For Spanish: (586) 797-6986
Persons seeking or needing language assistance are providing confirmation of such need, further verification is not required.
Shërbimet e ndihmës gjuhësore për çështjet në lidhje me qarkun shkollor të UCS, janë në dispozicion të familjeve LEP (me Njohuri të Kufizuara të Gjuhës Angleze) që kanë nevojë ose kërkojnë mbështetje për të komunikuar (folur, lexuar, shkruar ose kuptuar gjuhën Angleze). Këto shërbime ofrohen falas nga Qarku dhe përfshijnë ndihmën me përkthimin dhe interpretimin.Për informacion ose për të kërkuar shërbimet ju lutemi na kontaktoni:e-mail translations@uticak12.orgtel. (586) 797 – 6946.Një kërkesë e juaja për ndihmë gjuhësore konfirmon që ju keni një nevojë të tillë. Verifikimi i mëtejshëm nuk është i nevojshëm.
تتوفر خدمات المساعدة اللغوية للعائلات ذات الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنجليزية (التحدث، القراءة، الكتابة، أو فهم اللغة الإنجليزية) والتي تحتاج إلى دعم أو تسعى للحصول عليه فيما يتعلق بالأمور المدرسية.خدمات المساعدة اللغوية هي خدمات مجانية تقدمها المنطقة التعليمية وتشمل الدعم في الترجمة الفورية والتحريرية. للحصول على معلومات أو لطلب الخدمات، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى:أو الاتصال على: 6906-797 (586)يؤكد الأشخاص الباحثون عن خدمات لغوية على حاجتهم اليها دون الحاجة الى تقديم أي إثبات.
Los servicios de asistencia con el idioma están disponibles para las familias con dominio limitado del inglés (hablar, leer, escribir o entender el inglés) que necesitan o buscan apoyo con respecto a asuntos relacionados con la escuela. Los servicios de asistencia con el idioma son servicios gratuitos proporcionados por el distrito que incluyen apoyo de traducción e interpretación. Para obtener información o solicitar servicios, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al: (586) 797-6986 para español.
Las personas que buscan o necesitan asistencia con el idioma proporcionan confirmación de dicha necesidad, no se requiere verificación adicional.