Jeannette Announcements

  • Good afternoon, Patriots!

    Starting tomorrow, we'll be putting into place a system for how students obtain passes while they are in class. We announced this plan to your students on Friday afternoon last week. 

    On Tuesday of last week, each student received a free planner. It has a brown cover with the school year on it. We will be using pages in the back of the planner that are already set aside as pass pages in order to issue classroom passes. Therefore, your child will need to have their planner in order to leave class for any reason.

    Here are the steps:

    - If a student would like to request to leave class for any reason - to use the restroom, go to the office, etc - they will present their school-provided planner to their teacher to obtain a pass. They will fill out the correct line on the pass pages before they ask the teacher to sign the pass.
    - When a teacher signs the pass pages in the back of the planner, they will give the student a bright green pass on the lanyard. The student will keep the lanyard pass around their necks while they are out of the classroom and return it to wherever the teacher keeps it when they get back to the classroom.
    - The teacher may decide when they sign the planner to issue a pass. They may choose to NOT sign the pass while they are in the middle on a lesson because that can be very disruptive to the learning process. The teacher will discuss their classroom-specific rules tomorrow.
    - Passes will not be issued within the first 10 minutes of class or during the last 10 minutes of class.  Students must use their passing time wisely and use the restroom then instead of when class starts.
    - If a student is found to be in the hallway without the lanyard pass on, they will be sent back to class.

    We acknowledge that there will be a learning curve to this process. Our hope is that students will come to rely on having their planner not only for the passes but also so they can use it for organization and to remember homework.  You can help by making sure tonight that your child has his or her planner in their backpack to ensure that they are ready tomorrow.
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