Stevenson High School

Dedicated to excellence in education

Stevenson Announcements

  • Due to the short week, the next Titan Voice will be posted on Friday, January 31.



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    Kenneth L. Cucchi III






    Good afternoon Titan community,


    Happy New Year and welcome back. I hope your break was relaxing. Now it’s time to hit the ground running for Semester 2, but remember, school is a marathon, not race. These next few months will fly by! If you are a parent to a senior, please be sure to fill out the diploma card with the correct spelling of your student’s name. The link can be found on the Stevenson website.


    Just a quick reminder: there is no school on Monday, January 20.


    Scheduling for the 2025-2026 school year will take place in the ECC on January 21st and January 22nd in the ECC. Students will have approximately two weeks to make their selections and then counselors will meet with students individually to go over those 2025-2026 course selections in their English classes.


    Seniors- We anticipate that the UCS Board Office will have updated transcripts, with semester one grades, ready for us to send to colleges during the 3rd or 4th week of January.


    If your college is requesting a mid-year transcript showing your first-semester senior year grades, here are the instructions:


    1. If you applied via Common App, your counselor will upload the mid-year transcript for schools that require it and you don't need to do anything more
    2. If you applied directly on the college's website, you can request your transcript via Xello (be sure to choose mid-year transcript)
      1. How students request a transcript


    Important reminders to start Semester 2

    • Continue checking the Stevenson website, most information you need can be found there.
    • Students are expected to be in school on time. Parking Permits may be suspended for the following reasons: 
    • Excessive unexcused absences or tardies
    • Careless or reckless driving
    • Students who leave school during the day
    • Persistent disciplinary issues


    • When a student is going to be absent, parents/guardians should report the absence before the school day begins. Calls to the attendance line at 586-797-1999 can be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will be received by voicemail during non-school hours. The following reasons for an absence will be accepted as an excused absence: student illness, hospitalization, doctor ordered bed rest, mandatory court appearance that has been pre-arranged, death in the immediate family, family vacation that has been pre-arranged and approved, medical appointments and administrative permission. All other absences will be unexcused.


    • You may see a Fee Balance on your student’s PowerSchool account. At the beginning of the school year, each student is required to pay Class Dues: Sophomores $10.00 each, Juniors $10.00 each and Seniors $25.00 each. Any unpaid Class Dues and Locks for 2024-2025 were added as Fees in PowerSchool. Other fees may include Replacement Student Id’s/Lanyards, replacement laptop chargers, and athletics fees. All students and staff are required to have their School Id with them and visible while on school property. We provide each student their first Student Id and Stevenson lanyard free of charge. Students without their School Id are required to purchase a replacement for $5.00. Replacement Lanyards are also available for $3.00 each. All fees can be paid via PaySchools Central, or click here. Fees may also be paid with cash/check/money order at the bookstore window in the Main Office during school hours. All fees should be cleared by the end of the school year. If you have any questions regarding fees, please contact Remi Darroch, Bookkeeper, 586-797-1903,


    • Stevenson is a closed campus and students are not allowed to leave for lunch. Parents should not be calling students out for lunch; they will not be able to leave. Also, students are not allowed to have outside food dropped off or delivered during the school day. School lunches and breakfasts are free to all students this year.


    • Student ID’s must be worn on campus, at all times.

    Report cards will be posted in your PowerSchool account after 4:00pm on Friday, January 10, 2025.

    A quick reminder about how final grades for the first semester will be calculated.

    • 40% of the grade is from the 1st quarter grade
    • 40% of the 2nd quarter grade
    • 20% of the final exam

    Also remember that any combination of two Fs (from any quarter or the final exam) will result in a final grade of an F. To help students succeed, we encourage students to take advantage of Titan Time Tutoring, which is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as any additional support their teachers offer.

    See the Titan Voice for our new sports newsletter!


    Parking Permits As the weather is getting colder and more students are driving, I would like to remind you of our parking pass policy. Per the parking contract your student signed, your student could lose their driving privileges for the following reasons:

    • Careless or reckless driving
    • Persistent disciplinary issues
    • Students who have accumulated 5 or more tardies and/or unexcused absences, may have their parking permit suspended. At that point, with responsible attendance, parking will be reevaluated.


    If your student parks in the student parking lot after losing privileges, they will be suspended.


    **Parking with no permit= stickered / Saturday School / Suspension


    Please drive respectfully and safely, Officer Pawlik WILL issue tickets for driving recklessly.


    Sophomore parking permits are now available to purchase on a first come first served basis. Starting December 13, students can submit their parking permit applications along with a copy of their driver’s license and current registration for each car listed to Mrs. Johnston in the Associate Principal’s office. Print the parking permit application from the Stevenson website’s home page under "Parent Quick Links." Permits can be purchased for $50 on PaySchools Central, cash (exact change please) or with a check or money order.

    Parking permit applications can be printed from the home page of the Stevenson website under Parent Quick Links. This, along with a COPY of the student's driver’s license and a COPY of the current registration for each car listed, can be brought to Mrs. Johnston in the Associate Principal's office.

    Congratulations to our December Students of the Month! Students were nominated by Stevenson staff for being positive contributors to both the classroom and the Stevenson High School community. The Stevenson High School Students of the Month for December are:


    Melak Ali                      Seth Baird                    Alessandro Bally

    Hannah Brown             Madyson Burdette       Lorena Cacaj

    Salwa Chouman           Paige Cylkowski          Atheena Deang

    Brooklyn Dudley           Gabriella Gappy          Gavin Granlund

    Dylan Hayes                 Adrian Ibraheem         Josh Jaboro

    Aidan Jarbou                David Johnson            Justin Karjo

    Grace Kaspoles            Charlie Kennedy         Verona Khishola

    Jillian Kosta                  Renee Landino            Scott Leonard

    Romeo Lor                    Maram Lues                Nixon Magnotte

    Diana Marku                 Julia Matyszewski        Danial Meza

    Julius Mikhael               Marios Najib                Jonah Necklace

    Revette Oraha              Justyn Petty                 Lincoln Priehs

    Raban Razoky              Mason Routheaux       Winni Ruan

    Renata Sawa                Kyle Swanson              Carson Sweet

    Preston Tranchida        Claire Vanderhagen      Xavier Vang

    Siya Vashi                     Ava Wingfield               Kenyia Wynn


    ATTENTION – The school day ends at 2:14 p.m. Students must exit the building by 2:30 p.m. Any student who is staying after school must be under the supervision of a staff member, coach, or teacher. If practice is not immediately after school, students are expected to go home and return at their practice time. Also note that students are not allowed in the gyms at any time unless a coach or teacher is present.


    ATTENDANCE When a student has accumulated 11 absences* in any one class over the course of a semester, the student will be notified in a meeting with an assistant/associate principal that they have lost credit in that class and that they are placed on an attendance contract to earn the credit back. There are two parts to a contract. First, the student must pass the class with a D- or higher. Second, the student will show improvement in attendance in ALL classes. Improvement is determined on a sliding scale which allows for 1 absence for every three weeks (rounded up) left in the semester for each class.


    A reminder to all students, you are required to always wear your ID badge. Not only for security reasons, but because you need to scan them at lunch! So, please make sure you are wearing your ID badge around your neck. 


    STUDENT DRESS CODE Students must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the student handbook.

    • Indecent, tattered, or unsafe dress or footwear, or attire that calls undue attention to the wearer or has lettering or symbols that are disrespectful or derogatory are not allowed. • Beach wear, low-cut tops, tank tops, sleeveless tops, muscle shirts, see-through clothing, short skirts or shorts, pajamas, tight clothing without proper coverage and clothing exposing the shoulders or mid-section are not allowed. • Students should not wear clothing with inappropriate advertising like Playboy shirts or similar items. • Hats are not allowed in school unless explicit permission for a medical or religious reason is reached. • Knee length shorts and skirts are acceptable. Shoes must be worn. • Outerwear, such as coats and hats, is not to be worn in school. • Clothing that promotes illegal substances or drugs, illegal activities, violence, tobacco, or alcohol is prohibited. • Clothing or head coverings worn as group identifiers that promote a disruptive school climate are prohibited. • Clothing consistent with religious or cultural beliefs is acceptable. • Jewelry and accessories that may be deemed dangerous are prohibited.


    Every Friday is Titan Spirit Day! Please encourage your student to wear anything “Titan” or Red, White, and/or Blue!


    The Titan Voice and the Stevenson website should be your first line of communication regarding information pertaining to Stevenson. When you go to our website, you will find the Titan Voice linked under News. Included in the Titan Voice is more information regarding:  AP Testing, SHS Clubs, UCS District Flyers, Senior and Senior All Night Party information, and much more! Be sure to click on the Titan Voice Link and see what’s happening at Stevenson!



    With Titan Pride,



    Kenneth L. Cucchi III





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