• What is Digital Citizenship?

    In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the need for children to navigate the digital world responsibly and effectively has never been more critical. Digital Citizenship relates to the effective and responsible use of digital resources.  It teaches students skills that relate to a number of important concepts, including how to evaluate information found on the internet, digital footprinting and wellness, netiquette (teaching students responsible, empathetic behavior), privacy and cyberbullying. As technology in the classroom is transforming, the concept of digital citizenship has evolved and changed along with it.  Digital Citizenship has gone from a list of don’ts to a more proactive list of do’s to a more seamless integration into the curriculum.  

    Utica Community Schools is committed to preparing students to be successful in both their academics and their lives. Preparing and promoting Positive Digital Citizenship is a key strategic focus of our district, and teachers work to integrate digital citizenship resources and principles throughout the K-12 curriculum. 


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    Tips for Parents

    • Fighting tech with tech can fail. If they put their minds to it, kids can defeat almost any parental control.  So, if shutting down the internet via a tap is helpful for your family, pairing it with conversations likely will make it more effective. (Common Sense Media). 
    • Screen time shouldn't always be alone time. Co-view, co-play and co-engage with your children during screen time—it encourages social interactions, bonding, and learning.  (Healthy Children.org)