- Utica Community Schools
- Purchasing and Risk Management
Purchasing and Risk Management Department
Phone: (586) 797-1190
Fax: (586) 797-8335
Email: Purchasing@uticak12.orgKatherine Beck, Director
Erica Vega, Administrative Assistant
Erica.Vega@uticak12.orgOur district is committed to ensuring that all purchases made by Utica Community Schools represent the most efficient use of resources. The district seeks competitive bids for remodeling, procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment when the purchase exceeds the state guideline for competitive bidding which is adjusted annually by the State of Michigan.
Purchases greater than $10,000 and less than the sealed bid amount shall be in the form of a written quote. Purchases greater than $5,000 and less than $10,000 shall have phone quotes obtained by the purchasing party substantiating the purchase price.
If available, a minimum of three (3) competitive quotations shall be obtained with sufficient notice being allowed for completion. The lowest responsible bidder shall ordinarily be awarded the contract. However, the Board of Education reserves the right to accept any bid that it feels is in the best interest of the school district.
Open Bids
Utica Community Schools uses an electronic purchasing system to post bids for supplies and equipment. All necessary specification documents for the submissions of proposals/bids for open projects are available through the purchasing portal at https://uticak12.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=openOpportunities.
Interested parties must register to access the specifications and to submit responses through the portal. Any questions related to the registration process or the technical aspects of making a submission for the project should be directed to Bonfire at Support@GoBonfire.com.