- Utica Community Schools
- Design Engineering
What you will learn:
A mechanical drafting program for high school students is designed to teach students the skills and knowledge necessary to create technical drawings for a variety of projects. Students will learn to use industry-standard tools such as set squares, T-squares, and protractors, as well as drafting and designing with Solidworks® and Autodesk®. They will also learn about orthographic views, isometric drawings, geometric dimensioning, and their real-world applications. Students will hone their skills by designing and then producing three-dimensional models for projects they design. Developing portfolios and presentation skills are important elements of the program, too.
Academic Credit:
VPAA - Visual, Performing & Applied Arts Requirement
OLE - Online Learning Experience Requirement
SMR - Senior Math Related
Ability to earn Industry Credentials based on student performance:
Certified SolidWorks Associate
Articulation with Colleges and Universities:
Michigan Statewide Postsecondary Credit Agreements
Northern Michigan University
Macomb Community College
Typical Course Progression:
CTE Design & Engineering I - CAD
Students will learn how to create and interpret industry drawings using common terms and symbols. Students will develop skills in line control, lettering, sketching and manipulating drawing tools. Geometrical construction, orthographic projections, sectioning, and dimensioning techniques are taught along with an introduction to CAD programs, such as; Solidworks and A+CAD. Students may visit business partners and colleges/universities to help them explore opportunities in design and engineering. Students are encouraged to follow this course with Design & Engineering II in order to further their skill level and sit for the Certified SolidWorks Associate exam.
Academic Credit: VPAA and SMR
CTE Design & Engineering II - CAD
Prerequisite: CTE Design & Engineering I - CAD
This course primarily requires the use of industry level CAD software programs, such as; Solidworks and A+CAD in the design of machine production drawings, project assemblies, technical illustration, and auxiliary views along with auto body design and related skills. During the year, occupations related to engineering are investigated and discussed. Students will visit business partners and/or colleges/universities to help students explore the opportunities available in the design and engineering profession. Every student enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to be certified as a Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) nearing the completion of this course.
Academic Credit: VPAA, SMR and CTE Completer
CTE Advanced Design & Engineering - CAD
Prerequisite: CTE Design & Engineering II - CAD
This two-hour block course is designed for students with a strong interest in design, engineering, manufacturing, and/or industrial technology as a career. Students will learn how to create and interpret industrial drawings using common terms and symbols. Students will develop skills in line control, lettering, sketching and manipulating drawing tools. Geometrical construction, orthographic projections, sectioning, and dimensioning techniques are taught along with an introduction to CAD programs in the first semester and more advanced projects in the second semester using industry level CAD software programs, such as; SolidWorks and A+CAD. Students will have the opportunity to visit business partners and colleges/universities to help them explore the employment possibilities in the field of design and engineering. Every student will have the opportunity to be certified as a Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) nearing the completion of the course.
Academic Credit: VPAA, SMR and CTE Completer
CTE Design & Engineering Capstone - CAD
Prerequisite: CTE Design & Engineering II - CAD
This course is available to students who have successfully completed CTE Design and Engineering I & II, or CTE Advanced Design Engineering. The student should have a strong interest in the area of design and engineering. This course is designed to teach students occupational skills and how to work in a project-based environment where students work independently as well as collaboratively. Students are required to follow performance objectives, compile a portfolio, and complete required CAD assignments using industry-related CAD software programs, such as; SolidWorks and A+CAD.
Academic Credit: VPAA, SMR and CTE Completer
STW Design Engineering Intern
Prerequisite: School to Work Coordinator approval, and completed or co-enrolled in CTE Design & Engineering II or above.
Listed below are potential careers at different experience/educational levels. Students and parents are encouraged to use their Xello account to find out more about careers in this pathway. The career is also linked to O*NET Online, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, employment and training administration.