
    Schools of Choice and In-District Transfer Attendance Pathway


    The below chart provides information on the attendance pathways for families who apply for Schools of Choice or In-District Transfers.



    Elementary  (K-6) 

    Junior High Feeder (7-9) 

    High School Feeder (10-12) 

    Beacon Tree, Beck, Duncan, Monfort 

    Shelby Junior High 

    Utica High School 

    Browning, Dresden, Ebeling, Graebner, Havel, Harvey 

    Bemis Junior High (7-8) 

    Henry Ford II High School (9-12) 

    Burr, DeKeyser, Schuchard, Schwarzkoff 

    Jeannette Junior High 

    Stevenson High School 

    Collins, Oakbrook, Plumbrook 

    Davis Junior High 

    Stevenson High School 

    Crissman,  Roberts, Morgan, Switzer 

    Malow Junior High 

    Eisenhower High School 

    Flickinger, Wiley 

    Eppler Junior High 

    Utica High School 

    West Utica 

    Jeannette Junior High 

    Utica High School 

    Revised - February, 2024

    Please note - Attendance area families for families who reside in UCS and send their students to their neighborhood school may differ. For those enrollment patterns, please see this link