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UCS students help Toys for Tots exceed their goal

This year, twenty-two schoolImage of Burr Elementary students standing with gifts with two marines in uniforms joined together to give back to the community through Toys for Tots by gathering toy donations at their schools to be picked up by the Marines.

“We do pickup routes for all the places that collect in Toys for Tots boxes, but none of them ever equate to what we gather at the UCS roundup,” said Lance Corporal Grant Hoberecht.

“It pushes us over the edge of our original goal, which allows Toys for Tots and all the nonprofit organizations we serve help extra families who may not have been able to sign up to receive a donation originally.”

Amber Bronson, Eisenhower High School teacher and UCS Toys for Tots organizer, explained that this year’s Toys for Tots roundup was one of the largest UCS has done in the 20 years she has been participating in the charity drive.

“I think giving is contagious,” Bronson said. “When schools see what others are doing to assist in their communities, I think everyone gets a chance to see what is possible when we band together,” Bronson said.

One of the schools that helped gather donations was Burr Elementary School.

“It made me feel helpful, like I helped people with this,” Burr Elementary 3rd grader, Devina Fareeda said. “Some of the other kids don’t have this stuff, so the toys are meant to make those kids happy.”

The schools that participated in the 2022 Toys for Tots drive are listed below and their pictures are featured the following video, put together by Eisenhower High School graphic arts students:
Beck Elementary, Bemis Junior High, Burr Elementary, Browning Elementary, Crissman Elementary, DeKeyser Elementary, Ebeling Elementary, Eisenhower High School, Eppler Junior High, Flickinger Elementary, Havel Elementary, Henry Ford II High, Heritage Junior High, Jeannette Junior High, Morgan Elementary, Plumbrook Elementary, Schuchard Elementary, Shelby Junior High, Switzer Elementary, Utica High, West Utica Elementary and Wiley Elementary.

When asked why the Toys for Tots charity drive is so important to UCS, Bronson explained this is what UCS does.

“Since COVID, we have had to see some families face really difficult time,” said Bronson. “Giving our kids and families a way to help makes people feel empowered at being part of the solution while also celebrating their ability to overcome their own obstacles.”

“We are all better when we take care of each other.”