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Registration Open for 25th UCS Chess Tournament

Chess LogoIt is that time of year again!  Registration is open for the 25th UCS Chess Tournament-Saturday April 13, 2024.  Perhaps you have a student or two (or family member) who loves the game!  Please help spread the word as this one is going to be special- it's our 25th tournament!!! 

The UCS Chess Tournament is a perfect first tournament for ANY student in ANY grade.  Kindergarten-12th grade sections.  This is a fun, unrated event with five rounds.  Check-in 8:00-8:30 a.m. with games: @ 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, & 1:00. Awards 2:00-3:00.  The tournament is held at Henry Ford High School.  Depending on registrations, there are typically nine sections: Kindergarten; first; second; third; fourth; fifth; sixth; seventh and eighth; nine through 12. 

Visit the tournament website for the registered player list, to download the entry form and other information: