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Ike/MST grad earns merit scholarship to University of Alabama

Trevor Haemmerle Trevor Haemmerle clearly has a head start on his future.

The Eisenhower/Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology senior will be graduating as a valedictorian this year with 42 college credits through Advanced Placement and nearly $24,000 in an annual scholarship to the University of Alabama.

“I would not be here without MST,” he said. “It requires you to take challenging programs and Mrs. (MST counselor Courtney) Struck has really supported me.”

Heammerle’s academic success – and his strong SAT and ACT college entrance scores – qualified him for the UA Merit Scholarship through the University of Alabama, where he plans to study finance.

“Originally, I was planning on engineering, but I began to do some day trading and I just fell in love with the market,” he said.

Heammerle has attended Utica Community Schools his entire K-12 career at Morgan Elementary and Malow Junior High School.

“Trevor is an exceptional young man,” Struck said “He is driven, conscientious, and pushes himself to reach his highest potential in all facets of his life.  Trevor impresses me with his ability to successfully balance an extremely rigorous high school courseload while maintaining a busy extracurricular schedule.”

At Eisenhower, he is an award-winning member of the school’s varsity tennis team, an Advanced Placement Scholar and member of the National Honor Society.