• Safety - Front Page


    The safety of our students and staff is a community priority at all times.

    We work closely in partnership with our law enforcement partners, staff, parents, and students to maintain our focus on a safe and positive learning environment.

    To create another level of transparency around this issue, we have developed a website that provides an overview of the proactive measures we have put in place throughout our district: http://www.uticak12.org/ucssafety

    The website details our multi-layered approach related to expectations and training, the learning environment, and mental health. It also provides information on Standard Response Protocols and highlights recent safety initiatives in our schools.

    As the website indicates, a great deal of work has gone into the human part of our safety protocols – training, expectations, and mental health.

    The next important step in this continuous process concerns the evaluation of our facilities through the lens of safety. This evaluation is directly tied to the Safety and Success proposals to our community on May 2.

    This important election has a strong focus on creating additional layers of safety that will fortify our exterior entry points, address safety needs within our schools, and provide technology that allows us to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an actual emergency.

    The value of a UCS education is that our teachers and staff members care about students individually and collectively. Through our continued partnerships, we will ensure that our learning environment connects students to quality programs and provides a sense of purpose and belonging.